Albrecht von Haller Young Investigator Award 2021

Briefe / Mitteilungen
Schweiz Ärzteztg. 2021;102(2728):926

Publiziert am 06.07.2021

Albrecht von Haller Young Investigator Award 2021

The Albrecht von Haller Young Investigator Award wil be awarded to an innovative project of a young investigator in the amount of 25 000 Swiss Francs as well as to three outstanding doctoral theses in the amount of 2000 Swiss Francs each. The scope of the award is quite broad covering cardiovascular research and interdisciplinary projects or theses in the humanities and arts.
The project may be a well documented concept or supportive of a well advanced project. Projects submitted to the Swiss Heart Foundation for a research grant can be simultaneously submitted to this call for consideration.
The doctoral thesis has to have been accepted in German, French, Italian or English by a Swiss university and/or accepted by or published in an internationally recognized journal in the past two years.
This award is conferred by the Swiss Heart Foundation thanks to an unrestricted grant from Boehringer Ingelheim (Switzerland).
The award is intended solely for the selected project and serves to foster academic progress of young scientists or physicians and/or to improve health outcomes of patients.
The age limit is 35 years at time of application. The application must be submitted in English.
Deadline for submissions is 31st August 2021. Further information and forms can be downloaded at